Tuesday 3 April 2012

Creatures Of Imagination !

Good day everyone, 

Looking at the visual above, I know everyone have a dream to create or having own fantasy world. Am I right? Since we were small, television or any mass media showing the fairy tales story, legendary creature, imaginary friend and the beautiful of fantasy world. I’ve also dream that all of this is true but the truth is its all human creation to attract the viewer.

-For Entertainment only-
But now, I want to share one of my interests that go beyond of our imagination. It can be creepy, can be cute or can be mysterious. It’s about the creature of imagination. As we all know, there are many fantastical creatures and mostly, some in myth, legends and other was created by filmmakers. Those creatures look fascinating and mysterious and many things can be discovering from it (if you are willing and brave enough to look).

These creatures can appear somehow as bad or good creature and it can also show itself in many shapes that can make us shocked. Most people do believe this creature really exist here in earth or believe that it exist between the heaven and earth. Plus, the magical power that it has can destroy us in one time. What do you think would happen if these creatures really exist among us humans? For example, don’t you feel scared if you can see a dragon fly near you and blow the fire in whenever it was angry? I think maybe it’s better if they really do not exist. 

Just think for a minute, why these creatures exist? What prove can show their existence in few decades ago? If they really exist, what will happen in our life as human being? These creatures are different and many researcher wasting their entire life to look for their existence evidence such as fossil or symbol signal in cave that look the same just like in Pyramid. If there are human live in their existence, probably all the questions can be answer by them.

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