Friday 20 April 2012

A Rant of 3D MOVIES !

Hello then, Alright I want to share something regarding what my lecturer, Mr. Mark taught us in last class. It’s something that you guys might expert in and easy to say, we used to say it everyday. Okay, I want to talk with you guys about the king and queen of rant.

          Do you know what Rant is? A rant is an exaggerated continuous speech that employs wit, sarcasm and humour. So here I bet everyone familiar with sarcastic word and humour stuff because everyday , everytime and everywhere we can see these thing in our surrounding.

          On my last Critical Literacy class, we do some activities which is giving a sarcastic speech regarding topic that the most students in our age annoyed with and those topic was chosen by the others lecturers. Mr. Mark appoints my lucky classmate to giving a speech to break the others class record.

At that time, there are many topics showing in front but I only see the second one, 3D MOVIES!! Then I’m planning all the things that need to say if I was pointed to give the speech.

3D MOVIES? Guys do you love 3D movies? What is a 3D movie for you guys? Seriously, I do love 3D movies. It really exciting because When we watch those movies, I’m sure everyone will feel the same just what I feel in movie. But, now there are few crazy producers come out with stupid idea and destroy the originality of the movie. What’s wrong with that people hah?! Is it okay to make funny of the originality?!  Well for me, I do entertain with some parody that they trying to do in certain movies.

          I want to use the latest example, Titanic Super 3D. As we all know, Titanic is the most expensive and famous movie for all time. Until now, Titanic always keep mention especially for those who’s the romantic lover movies. I love the originality of this movie because deep in my heart, I feel that this story give us impact based from true story.

          But now, the most annoying part is Titanic movies receiving a touch from George Lucas (Film Director of Star Wars), J.J Abrams and finally, Michael Bay (Film Director of Transformers). Oh my god! Why were they given a gold touch to Titanic?! These people are from science fiction genre and once again, WHY TITANIC?!

WHAT ?! Monster in Titanic ?!

What the hell is storm trooper doing on Titanic ?!

This guy change the music into remix version. WHAT?!

Gold touch from Michael Bay. Everything will done with exploding. But why all those people that fell from Titanic also explode?!!

          My annoying feeling really make me curse this super 3D stuff but somehow, I do enjoy it because they’re making something ridiculous and I never think about it.  But why Storm troopers shooting with the bad guys and become the priest in Titanic?! Holy c*** man! This can be the best parody ever!

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